Investigator identification

Trial Nation’s regionally anchored network of advisers helps you identify and get in touch with the appropriate clinical researchers within your medical area. We cover all therapeutic areas and trial phases.

For an effective facilitation please provide information on:

  • Indication and primary objective of the trial
  • Trial phase (I-IV) or corresponding for medtech trials
  • Trial type (randomized, single arm etc)
  • Trial medication/device/diagnostic concerned
  • Patient population, indication or clinical speciality
  • Suggestion for relevant clinical speciality and any requirements for specific expertise or equipment
  • Name and contact details for contacts already made to Danish clinical researchers
  • Inclusion- and exclusioncriteria (optional)
  • Synopsis (optional)
  • Expected timeline for trial start (optional)
  • International or national trial (optional)

For requests related to centers and networks please get in touch at

For requests outside established national centers- and networks please get in touch at or