
Dette er en oversigt over aktuelle nyheder om kliniske forsøg. Du kan også læse om vores igangværende projekter. Vores tidligere nyhedsbreve er tilgængelige her, og vi har også et udvalg af opdateringer fra myndighederne.

Aktuelle projekter

Nationalt Forsøgsoversigt (NFO)

Trial Nation in collaboration with Region Midtjylland, Erhvervsministeriet, Lægemiddelstyrelsen, National Videnskabsetisk Komite (NVK), Sundhedsdatastyrelsen, Sundheds- og Ældreministeriet, Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center (DCCC) og Region Sjælland develops a new system. This is a public, searchable and as close to real-time updated overview of ongoing trials as possible with user-friendly interfaces that present all, relevant clinical trials in Denmark including status and contact information. The clinical information should be easy to understand for patients and their relatives. On the technical side, already existing infrastructure in the healthcare system’s is used as far as possible, including automated transfers of data.

The deployment is planned for 2023.

Digital rekrutteringsplatform

Trial Nation is together with several stakeholders investigating the possibility of establishing a national digital solution that can facilitate the contact between research actors responsible for the trial and relevant citizens and patients to facilitate recruitment into clinical trials. A national, digital solution where patients and citizens can be matched with clinical trials, eg within specific disease areas, will strengthen the Danish research infrastructure.

It is estimated that the assessment will be completed in 2022.


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Opdateringer fra regeringen

For mere information om emner relateret til det danske sundhedssystem, kan du besøge sundhedsministeriet hjemmeside her: www.sum.dk, danske regioner: https://www.regioner.dk/ samt de fem danske regioner:

Region Hovedstaden https://www.regionh.dk/

Region Midtjylland https://www.rm.dk/

Region Nordjylland https://rn.dk/

Region Sjælland https://www.regionsjaelland.dk/

Region Syddanmark https://regionsyddanmark.dk/

Podcast om kliniske forsøg

Medicinens maskinrum #1: Hvad er klinisk forskning?
  • Henriette Svarre Nielsen, Professor of Reproduction and womens diseases. 
  • Ulrik Lassen, Professor of Clinical Oncology and Personalised Medicine.
Medicinens maskinrum #2: Privat eller offentlig forskning?
  • Leif Vestergaard Pedersen, who is former director of the Danish Cancer Society, a member of the Danish Medicines Agency and i.a. former health director in the Central Jutland Region.
  • Jakob Wedsted, postdoc at the Center for Advanced Studies in Biomedical Innovation Law
Medicinens maskinrum #3: Sådan sikrer man, at medicin rent faktisk virker
  • Anne-Marie Axø Gerdes, Chairman of the Council on Ethics
  • Steffen Thirstrup, advisor at NDA Advisory Services and former head of the drug approval in the Danish Medicines Agency
Medicinens maskinrum #4: Hvad betyder big data og kunstig intelligens for fremtidens kliniske forskning?

Ismail Gögenur, Professor at the Center for Surgical Science at Sjællands Universitetshospital

Nikolai Brun, then head of the medical evaluation and biostatistics unit at the Danish Medicines Agency – and then chairman of the big data task force at the European Medicines Agency, EMA

Medicinens maskinrum #5: Hvordan bliver forholdene for klinisk forskning endnu bedre?
  • Ida Sofie Jensen, CEO, Lif
  • Allan Flyvbjerg, Center director of Steno Diabetes Center