Board of Directors
Trial Nation is led by a board composed of five industry members, one member from each of the five Danish regions, one member from the following: the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the umbrella organisation Danish Patients and the Organisation of Danish Medical Societies (LVS).

Ministry of Industry, Business, and Financial Affairs

Novo Nordisk




NMD Pharma

Professor i Intensiv Medicin, Rigshospitalet

The North Denmark Region

Region Zealand

The Region of Southern Denmark

Trial Nation is a member-based association. The Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, The Ministry of Health, and the five Danish Regions are members representing the Danish healthcare system and the Danish State. The umbrella organisation for patient organisations in Denmark, Danish Patients and the Organization of Danish Medical Societies are members representing their respective spheres. Private life science companies with an interest in and competencies within clinical research can apply for membership according to the Trial Nation statutes, which are available in Danish only, here.
Please see an overview of our members here:
Trial Nation contributes substantially to Denmark’s position as the leading public-private ecosystem for clinical trials in Europe – to the benefit of patients, research and the economy.
- We create the foundation for expansion, and we maintain a position for Denmark among the top three countries in Europe, measured as number of clinical trials per million inhabitants.
- We strengthen frameworks and conditions to attract significantly more clinical trials at the highest international level.
- We lead in state-of-the-art methods and technologies in set-up and execution of clinical trials.

Trial Nation is the result of strong and continuous governmental support of the Danish life science sector. The organisation is supported by the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and the five Danish Regions.
In 2014 the precursor to Trial Nation, NEXT Partnership, was established with political and industrial endorsement. The Innovation Fund Denmark contributed with a large investment.
In late 2018 Trial Nation was founded as a merge between NEXT Partnership (Funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark and members in the partnership) and Clinical Trials Office Denmark (Funded by the five Danish Regions).
In 2019 Trial Nation became the first Danish Associated Partner to an IMI project. The project is the flagship project Health Outcomes Observatories (H2O).
In 2021 Trial Nation was tasked with overseeing the establishment of the first real-time updated overview of recruiting clinical trials, allowing patients and health-care professionals to find clinical trials that may be suitable for them.
Launch is expected 2023.
In 2022 Danish Patients and Organisation of Danish Medical Societies changed their status from observatory members to full members on the board of Trial Nation.